A book I really think you should read. If you are interested in social media marketing, learning more about becoming an entrepreneur, or just plain leadership.
This book has already redefined so many ways that I think about social media, which is awesome considering I run all of the social media for the women's basketball team at UCLA.
The future is looking bright. Not because of this book, and not because I am going to the NAB show this coming week, but because I am feeling the urge and passion to really branch out and go for it with this company.
Not sure what that means, or what that will look like; but, the other day I met with Russ Pillar, the President of the LA Marathon, millionaire, and just all around super successful LA resident, and he told me that the greatest thing I have going for me, besides the hard work that I do... is passion.
I was taken back by that when he told me. I had never thought that my passion would be looked at as something of value in the business world. I guess I have always thought that direction was more important that passion.
But the older I am getting (23 btw), I am realizing that long term direction is actually the last thing that I need. If I look long term, I get overwhelmed.
I need to look at the here and now, to put my head down, to get in the trenches, and to run with it.
It is really exciting. I am so encouraged by these thoughts and would only hope that some of you would jump on board with me and we can get this creative process going!
Either way, I'm pushing forward from here on out. For tonight, that means writing these blogs. For tomorrow, hopefully the same, as well as finishing this website.
One step at a time.
I want to help better the lives of those who surround me through the artwork that I create. I want to help better the lives of those who surround me through the artwork that I create. I want to help better the lives of those who surround me through the artwork that I create.
I would say that is plenty of direction for the moment.
Luke Grigg